Monday, August 31, 2015

Fake Wedding Cake - What!

My friend from high school was getting married and they asked me to make their camouflage cake for the occasion and of course I said yes! I was thrilled and then I realized that I was unable to attend and they also live 3 hours away. So I discussed with the bride if I could make a fake cake for pictures and pretend cutting and that's just what I did. 

First thing on the list was to find a base for the cake. I was able to find a set of three boxes at Michaels and on clearance at that! They fit perfectly inside each other so I knew they would tier well for the cake. I used gorilla glue to stick them together and let them dry over night. 

The next step was to paint the boxes with Spackle to make them look like icing / fondant. The speckle was pink going on and white when it dried - which was awesome because you could tell where you already put Spackle! 

My pink spackled cake - waiting to be dried! 

All dried and ready for paint

After the Spackle was dry, I painted the cake a hunter green colour (about 3 coats - to get all the cracks and crevices) 

Now I had to make the leaves. I was going to make them from fondant and let them dry as they weren't eating the cake anyways but I decided to go with air drying clay. So I rolled and cut out many different size leaves. Then I was laying in bed and thought "oh my I need to make some of the leaves bend!" So I jumped out of bed and put some of the leaves on the sides of the boxes so they would dry like that. Otherwise they would have snapped if I tried to bend them later. 
I also cut the letters for the words out of clay as well - I pre-made stencils with my cricut and then used a sharp knife to trace out the letters. 

Making the leaves

Leaves being bent on the boxes for drying

After the leaves dried for a few days, I painted them different shades of green to make them look camouflage. I then painted the letters white and held everything on with gorilla glue. 

And there's the finished product! They were happy and so was I :) 

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